Resistance, variety diversity and breeding progress are at the heart of our activities.
We are dedicated to improving agriculture through advances in breeding and seed production. We are committed to the preservation of seed law and its de-bureaucratisation. By promoting variety diversity and progress in breeding, we are working to create more resilient plant varieties. At the same time, we analyse the opportunities and risks of green genetic engineering in order to promote future-oriented and sustainable approaches to agriculture.
The Wilhelm Rimpau Prize, bears the name of Wilhelm Rimpau, the father of German plant and grain breeding. The DLG award to promote young talent is presented for innovative and practically relevant bachelor's and master's theses in plant production. A DLG jury of experts selects the best three entries from all those received.
Awarded at the DLG-Feldtage (Field Days) every two years.
The DLG Committee for Plant Breeding, Plant Varieties and Seeds
The DLG Committee for Plant Breeding, Plant Varieties and Seeds is made up of representatives from plant breeding (companies and science), the seed industry, official advisory services and agricultural practice. We discuss current issues such as the amendment to EU seed legislation, current framework conditions in variety authorisation and seed production at the DLG "Round Table" and publish the results through DLG events and publications.
Current topics
- Amendment of EU seed legislation
- Political framework conditions with influence on variety development and seed production
- Variety diversity and breeding progress
- Performance and testing of variety mixtures and heterogeneous seeds
- Breeding and seed production of crops of the future
- Climate change-related requirements for varieties and seeds
Areas represented
- Agriculture
- Science
- Consulting
- Industry
- Government agencies
Jonas Trippner
DLG Competence Center Agriculture
Eschborner Landstraße 122
60489 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Tel.: +49 69 24 788-242