
Grasslands and Feed Cultivation

We are intensively involved in the management of meadows and pastures and the production of feed and pass this knowledge on to farms

Our goals are to produce the best quality feed, to preserve grasslands as a production location for agriculture, to safeguard the yield potential of typical grassland regions and to ensure sustainable feed production.

The DLG Committee for Grasslands and Feed Cultivation

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The DLG Committee for Grasslands and Feed Cultivation

The DLG Committee for Grasslands and Feed Cultivation is an expert committee made up of representatives from various interest groups - practitioners, consultants, scientists and authorities. We discuss technical principles for productive and environmentally friendly feed production, publish these in leaflets and critically monitor and evaluate the progress of grassland and feed production. Among other things, our committee makes recommendations to decision-makers in politics and administration and describes methods of crop production and harvesting.

Activities and areas of responsibility of the committee
  • proceedings, development of leaflets
  • Definition of criteria for environmentally sound grassland management
  • Definition of the requirements for the breeding of feed plants
  • Preservation of productive grassland vegetation
  • Harvesting methods
  • Evaluation of grassland utilisation systems
Current topics
  • Nitrogen management in grassland stocks used for different purposes while taking N losses into account
  • Utilisation frequency and quality of grassland growth
  • Nature conservation requirements and intensive milk production
  • Grassland improvement - sowing into the crop
  • Special features of moorland sites
  • Grasslands and feed production on organic farms
  • Pasture farming as an economically favourable form of farming
  • Counselling via the Internet
Areas represented 
  • Agriculture
  • Science
  • Consulting
  • Government agencies

Reinhard Otto 
Landschaftspflege - Agrarhöfe Kaltensundheim / Rhön GmbH & Co Vermögens KG
Mittelsdorfer Straße 23
98634 Kaltensundheim, Germany
Tel: +49 36946 217-13


Dr. sc. agr. Gerhard Riehl
Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology
Grassland, Grazing Livestock Unit
Christgrün 13
08543 Pöhl (Vogtl.), Germany
Telefon: +49 37439 74221


Dr. Detlef Kampf
DLG Competence Center Agriculture
Eschborner Landstraße 122
60489 Frankfurt, Germany
Tel.: +49 69 24 788-320

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