Crop production

Grasses, Clover and Catch Crops

Our goal is to promote seed production through an exchange of experience in the field and to expand its significance for crop production and its challenges.

We discuss technical principles for productive and environmentally friendly seed production, publish them in leaflets and test reports and critically observe and evaluate national and international developments. 

Der The DLG Committee for Grasses, Clover and Catch Crops

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The DLG Committee for Grasses, Clover and Catch Crops

The DLG Committee for Grasses, Clover and Catch Crops is an expert committee made up of representatives from all interest groups - practitioners, consultants and scientists. We carry out fundamental work on administrative decisions and describe procedures for seed production, harvesting and storage. The committee's objectives include the promotion of breeding progress and the improvement of seed production for grasses, small-grain feed legumes and catch crops.

Activities and areas of responsibility of the committee

  • "Grasses, Clover and Catch Crops" Conference – specialist excursion
  • Trial implementation and evaluation of use of CPA in seed production
  • Exchange of experience on breeding methods and reports on ongoing research projects in science and industry
  • Discussion of practical issues and initiation of trials to solve them, both in conventional farming (current focus: gap indication) and in organic farming (current focus: optimisation of the production of nitrogen-intensive species)
  • Specific qualification of personnel working in testing
  • Promotion of cooperation between practice, counselling and science through the exchange of opinions and experience at specialist conferences and excursions
  • Optimisation of seed production of grasses, clover and catch crops
  • Test results on the indication approval of crop protection products
  • Aspects of quality seed production and marketing
  • Prospects in breeding and seed production for organic farming
  • Demands and requirements for modern variety material
  • Breeding methods and upcoming projects
  • Science
  • Consulting
  • Industry
  • Government agencies

Current topics

  • Optimisation of seed production of grasses, clover and catch crops
  • Test results on the indication approval of crop protection products
  • Aspects of quality seed production and marketing
  • Prospects in breeding and seed production for organic farming
  • Demands and requirements for modern variety material
  • Breeding methods and upcoming projects
  • Science
  • Consulting
  • Industry
  • Government agencies

Areas represented

  • Science
  • Consulting
  • Industry
  • Government agencies

Joachim Hütter
Deutsche Saatveredelung AG
Weissenburger Straße 5
59557 Lippstadt, Germany


Dr. Stephan Hartmann
Bavarian State Research Centre for Agriculture
Institute for Plant Production and Plant Breeding
Am Gereuth 4
85354 Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany


Siv Biada
DLG Competence Center Agriculture
Am Gutshof 3
06406 Bernburg, Germany
Tel.: +49 3471 684 841

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