In the current “Chart of the Month” from DLG-Agrifuture Insights, we present the most important success factors for asset protection and business and asset development.
Livestock farms always attach particular importance to animal feed and feeding in terms of farm inputs; consequently, considerations regarding management sustainability are also very well reflected in this area.
The way out of many conflicts sounds simple: approach each other and talk to each other. But sometimes a cleansing thunderstorm can also help. But how can a constructive culture of conflict be created?
In the run-up to the EnergyDecentral trade fair in Hanover in November 2024, the DLG asked German farmers in its most recent DLG Practice Monitor – a survey on farmers’ opinion on practical farming issues - how they assess on-farm photovoltaic power stations and agrivoltaics.
The results reveal that not only are farmers open to new aproaches in this area but they also display great interest.
The participants placed the greatest hopes on innovations to improve animal health. This leads to both greater animal welfare and improved cow performance and therefore also offers economic benefits.
As part of the current Agrifuture Insights study, participants were asked from November 2023 to the beginning of January 2024 about their assessment of the future importance of technology trends in arable farming. Five trends stand out among the many possibilities.
As part of the current Agrifuture Insights study from November 2023 to the beginning of January 2024, farmers in Germany and abroad were asked about their investment plans for the next twelve months. In an international comparison, German arable farmers, dairy farmers and pig farmers are significantly more cautious than their foreign counterparts.
The figures for arable farmers and dairy farmers are down on the previous year (PY), while pig farmers assess the situation slightly more positively. However, many of them are planning to exit the sector.