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Many of you report online about life and work as a farmer. Followers are taken to the fields, the barn, the forest, the machines, the market, the office or the dining table. You show, explain, express your opinion, share your joys and sorrows and also provide entertainment.
With the DLG Agri Influencer Award, we want to highlight remarkable agricultural mediators and opinion leaders on the internet and in social media, make them better known and support them in their communication.
Here we talk ourselves - not others about us!
With our award, we would like to honour the best agricultural blogs and profiles in social media and therefore present them to a wider public. After all, the prize is also intended to help connect those involved in agriculture on the web, to encourage them and, in the best-case scenario, to motivate others to become involved in digital public relations work.
This is included in the assessment:
The awards recognise social media profiles that are particularly committed to public relations work for agriculture. Decisive for an award are, for example:
- What topics are discussed?
- How are the topics realised in words and images?
- Does the diversity of agriculture become clear?
- How balanced is the content?
- How does it interact with the community?
What you can win:
- We will invite all six winners to the award ceremony. This means they will travel to Hanover at our expense, receive a ticket for EuroTier/Energy Decentral, a ticket for the Young Farmers' Party and, if applicable, an overnight stay in a hotel.
- All six winners will also receive a certificate and a gift.
- All in all, there will be extensive press and public relations work surrounding the award, in which the winners will be prominently represented.
The awards ceremony will take place on Thursday, 14 November 2024 at the beginning of the Young Farmers' Party during EuroTier / EnergyDecentral at the Hanover Trade Fair Grounds.