
DLG Agri Influencer Award 


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Many of you report online about life and work as a farmer. Followers are taken to the fields, the barn, the forest, the machines, the market, the office or the dining table. You show, explain, express your opinion, share your joys and sorrows and also provide entertainment.

With the DLG Agri Influencer Award, we want to highlight remarkable agricultural mediators and opinion leaders on the internet and in social media, make them better known and support them in their communication.

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application portal

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Here we talk ourselves - not others about us!

With our award, we would like to honour the best agricultural blogs and profiles in social media and therefore present them to a wider public. After all, the prize is also intended to help connect those involved in agriculture on the web, to encourage them and, in the best-case scenario, to motivate others to become involved in digital public relations work.

One award - six categories!

DLG Best Agri Instagrammer/Facebooker in German

Anyone who is a farmer or farm that actively works in agriculture and has an Instagram or Facebook profile with German-language agricultural and agricultural technology content and at least 1,000 followers can take participate here.

DLG Best Agri Instagrammer/Facebooker International

Anyone who is a farmer or a farm that actively works in agriculture and has an Instagram or Facebook profile with non-German agricultural and agricultural technology content and at least 1,000 followers can take participate here.

DLG Best Agri YouTuber in German

Anyone who is a farmer or farm that actively works in agriculture and operates a YouTube channel with German-language agricultural and agricultural technology content and has at least 1,000 followers there can participate here.

DLG Best Agri YouTuber International

Anyone who is a farmer or farm, that actively works in agriculture and who operates a YouTube channel with non-German agricultural and agricultural technology content and has at least 1,000 followers can take participate here.

DLG Best Agri TikToker in German

Anyone who is a farmer or farm that actively works in agriculture and operates a TikTok channel with German-language agricultural and agricultural technology content and has at least 1,000 followers there can participate here.

DLG Best Agri TikToker International

Anyone who is a farmer or a farm that actively works in agriculture and operates a TikTok channel with non-German agricultural and agricultural technology content and has at least 1,000 followers there can participate here.

This is included in the assessment:

The awards recognise social media profiles that are particularly committed to public relations work for agriculture. Decisive for an award are, for example:

  • What topics are discussed?
  • How are the topics realised in words and images?
  • Does the diversity of agriculture become clear?
  • How balanced is the content?
  • How does it interact with the community?

Award and Test regulations 2024

What you can win:

  • We will invite all six winners to the award ceremony. This means they will travel to Hanover at our expense, receive a ticket for EuroTier/Energy Decentral, a ticket for the Young Farmers' Party and, if applicable, an overnight stay in a hotel.
  • All six winners will also receive a certificate and a gift. 
  • All in all, there will be extensive press and public relations work surrounding the award, in which the winners will be prominently represented.

Here's how it works:

Apply here by 1 September 2024.

The DLG AIA team will review all applications and draw up a longlist for each category.

The jury will meet and choose the winners for each category. The DLG is represented on the jury together with media representatives, communication experts and agrarians.

All six winners will be notified in the end of September 2024 and invited to the awards ceremony.

The awards ceremony will take place on Thursday, 14 November 2024 at the beginning of the Young Farmers' Party during EuroTier / EnergyDecentral at the Hanover Trade Fair Grounds.

On Friday, 15 November 2023, another event for Agri Influencers will take place at the DLG stand. All interested parties are invited to attend, regardless of whether or not they apply, participate or win an award at the DLG AIA.

Become a sponsor of the #DLGAIA24!

As a sponsor, you are part of the DLG Agri Influencer Awards 2024 and promote innovative communication strategies and channels of important multipliers of future-oriented agriculture with your commitment.

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What AIA award winners say

Has anything worth mentioning happened to you as a result of the DLG Agri Influencer Award?

Oliver Harrison, Award winner DLG Agri Influencer Award 2023

It has made me happy to be recognised outside of my own country for the work I do making a video each day. It made me realise that it’s not just a UK audience I have.

Oliver Harrison

Lars Peters, Award winner DLG Agri Influencer Award 2023

I was approached about it, and I think some people heard the name "BioPeters" for the first time because of the award.

Lars Peters

Frederick Frimpong, Award winner DLG Agri Influencer Award 2023

It was a great honor to be internationally recognized and awarded as it added validation to the work we do and the education we give on the regular from our farm to all our social media following.

Fred Frimpong

Patrick Strassburger, Award winner DLG Agri Influencer Award 2023

I was particularly pleased by the newspaper reports in Swiss agricultural media. Also, some acquaintances approached me about it and congratulated me.

Patrick Straßburger

Laura Vallejo Castro, Award winner DLG Agri Influencer Award 2023

I am happy, the AIA was very important to me. It opened doors for me to the most important agricultural fairs in Spain. Media outlets in Germany were also interested in my work.

Laura Vallejo Castro

Freya Fliege, Award winner DLG-Agri Influencer Award 2023

The award has further strengthened my motivation, and I have met a lot of cool, new people. It has also opened up opportunities to visit farms or fairs that I might not have otherwise visited.

Freya Fliege

Annemarie Paulsen, Award winner DLG-Agri Influencer Award 2022

The prize has attracted media interest and the TV and newspapers have been here. My number of followers has increased, but otherwise everything is the same as before!

Annemarie Paulsen

Amos Venema, Award winner DLG-Agri Influencer Award 2022

A lot of recognition and appreciation.

Amos Venema

Thomas Andresen, Award winner DLG-Agri Influencer Award 2022

In fact, I am often approached about the award and congratulated. There have also been a few enquiries from various media about my work.

Thomas Andresen