Everything New Feed & Food

Insects - The great crawling has begun

Edible insects are a niche product in the EU. However, issues such as sustainability, environmental protection and food security for a growing world population are increasingly attracting the attention of companies. The signs are pointing to growth.

Sustainability: More plant-based food for the climate?

In the discussion about sustainable nutrition, it is often suggested that the production of animal-based foods in particular is not sustainable. Demands are then quickly made to significantly reduce livestock farming in order to lessen the environmental impact. But this is a rather one-sided view.

The agricultural sector in transition

What does the high jump have to do with agriculture? When the traditional technique was no longer working, Dick Fosbury jumped completely differently in 1968 - and won Olympic gold. What can our industry learn from this today?

Vertical Farming: Indoor and outdoor cultivation

This expert knowledge is dedicated to the new cultivation method Vertical Farming. The focus here is on Vertical Farming in Europe and the comparison between conventional cultivation and Vertical Farming.

Spirulina as Food

Spirulina – Consumer-oriented product development
to promote sustainable nutrition