Crop production

Experiments in Crop Production

It is our aim to be a driving force and the platform for crop production trials.

Our goal is to create position papers and to rationalise and standardise the testing process. We integrate technisation and mechanisation and evaluate new technologies and methodological approaches. By publicising new methods and initiating projects, we are establishing an international network to promote innovation in testing.

Der The DLG Committee for Experiments in Crop Production

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The DLG Committee for Experiments in Crop Production

The DLG Committee for Experiments in Crop Production deals with key issues relating to crop production trials and many other topics at its regular meetings and at the annual DLG Technicians' Conference in Hanover, Germany. The committee contributes to the "round table" function of the DLG and to the promotion of the exchange of information and experience on field trials.

Activities and areas of responsibility of the committee

  • Creation of position papers
  • Simplification and standardisation in testing
  • Technisation and mechanisation
  • Recognising and assessing new technologies
  • Recognising and assessing new methodological approaches in testing
  • Publicising new methods, processes and technologies
  • Initiating and supporting projects
  • Establishing a network, including internationally
  • Organisation of the DLG Technicians' Conference

Areas represented

  • Experimenters
  • Breeders/farm input manufacturers
  • Consultants
  • Scientists/trainers
  • Private service providers/test organisers
  • Manufacturer of testing technology
  • Employees of government agencies/administration

Dr. Jürgen Kauke
Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture
Hans-Böckler-Allee 20
30173 Hanover, Germany
Tel.: +49 511 3665-4381


Dr. Wilfried Hermann
University of Hohenheim
Experimental Station Agricultural Sciences
Schwerzstr. 21
70599 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel.: +49 711 459-24787


Siv Biada
DLG Competence Center Agriculture
Am Gutshof 3
06406 Bernburg, Germany
Tel.: +49 3471 684 841

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