Everything Markets

Entrepreneur: Thinking in all directions

Challenging times demand change and transformation. Everyone deals with them differently. The following always applies: being an entrepreneur means considering alternatives to your current actions.

Times of crisis: Would you rather just dump everything?

Fear and stress are bad counsellors in times of crisis. How can you escape the downward spiral and look ahead even in difficult times?

Wil Derks: "Our soil should remain productive in the long term“

Mr Wil Derks has been a DLG member for 20 years and comes from Holland. Since 1998, he and his wife Arina van Schaik have been farming a 1200-hectare farm near Egyházasrádóc in Hungary, close to the Austrian border.

Successful Seagriculture EU 2024 Conference united the global seaweed industry in the Faroe Islands

The Seagriculture EU 2024 conference, the premier event for the seaweed industry, was successfully held in Tórshavn, Faroe Islands, from 18 - 20 June 2024.

Biodiesel: The scam with hydrogenated vegetable oils

Since the beginning of the year, hydrogenated vegetable oils (HVO) have been arriving in Germany from dubious sources: palm oil residues from oil mills, used cooking oils or undeclared goods. In each case, China is involved - and in most cases it appears to be a case of palm oil being re-declared.

Ukraine: The grain market remains flooded

Ukraine is not an EU member state, but in terms of agricultural trade it is practically on an equal footing with EU countries. In any case, at the end of April the EU made it clear that it would rather pay compensation than reintroduce the old import duties.

Brazil: The poultry sector is optimistic

Corona pandemic and economic slowdown left their mark on poultry production in Brazil in 2022. This did not hurt exports, but it did hurt domestic consumption. Now the signs are pointing to growth again for the largest player on the world market (and competitor of the EU).

China: Is the locomotive running out of steam?

For more than ten years, it has always been China that regularly sweeps the agricultural markets dry with its hunger for raw materials and food and ensures high prices. But the golden times seem to be coming to an end. If China no longer pulls the "train", who will then give demand momentum?

Mrs Sali Morris works for the off-highway steel wheel manufacturer moveero ltd. Photo: moveero ltd.

DLG Member Mrs Sali Morris from Great Britain works for moveero ltd, the leading manufacturer of off-highway steel wheels which supplies major global OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers). While customers in the agricultural sector tend to develop bigger and faster machines, moveero aims to provide the technical expertise that will help deliver products that support this.

Online trade with food and beverages – Success factors for greater quality and safety

This Expert report is to describe the critical success factors about online trading of food, beverages and their ingredients. It is intended to give specialists and management staff from the food and beverage industry in general as well as from medium-sized businesses in particular a “guide” with practical suggestions for building up their own digital distribution channels and inspiration for improving existing online shops.