Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft

DLG – German Agricultural Society               

Progress and sustainability in agriculture and the food industry 

With over 31,000 members, we are an innovation platform and leading network in the agricultural and food sector. With our specialised work, we provide significant impetus for progress. The foundation for this was laid in 1885 by the founder of the DLG, Max Eyth.

We understand progress and sustainability to mean productivity and resource conservation. We organise trade fairs and events worldwide. We test food, agricultural technology and equipment and offer practical knowledge through our specialised media. We work in Germany, Europe and globally. We promote science, research, education, consumer protection and international co-operation.

Our values 

Public benefit and independence 

We promote agriculture and the food sector as well as dialogue with society thanks to our work towards progress and sustainability. In doing so, we maintain our independence.

Rationality and science 

Our objective is to obtain verifiable and criticisable findings by means of rationality and scientific methods.

Dialogue and discourse 

Dialogue, discourse and logical reasoning are essential characteristics in our knowledge process, in which science, business, society and politics are involved.

Relevance and impact 

We deal with the topics of relevance to the agricultural and food industries and develop effective solutions for farmers and food industry practitioners.

Entrepreneurship and responsibility 

Entrepreneurs who bring their potentials to bear in a responsible manner on the various markets are our primary addressees.

Progress and sustainability

We stand for agriculture and a food sector that are innovative and productive, produce high-quality products and operate in a resource-efficient manner.

Quality and benefits 

Product and process quality, user and consumer benefits are important objectives. To achieve them, we test food, agricultural machinery, farm inputs and procedures using scientific methods.


DLG profile

  • Founded in 1885 by Max Eyth, engineer and writer 

  • 31,000 members worldwide 

  • Non-profit, politically independent, internationally networked 

  • Specialist meetings and conferences for agriculture and the food industry 

  • Leading international trade fairs for agricultural machinery, plant cultivation, animal farming technology, forestry, renewable energy and food production 

  • Publishers, media, trade publications and advanced training 

  • Test centres for agricultural machinery, farm inputs, crop cultivation and food 

Science and dialogue

In the DLG's international networks, volunteer experts - practitioners, scientists, consultants, and experts from administration and politics - work closely together in a network. With their congresses, conferences and publications, the competence centre for agriculture and food is an important platform for professional dialogue.

[Translate to English:] Personengruppe auf dem Acker

Competence Center Agriculture

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[Translate to English:] Eine Frau mit Brille betrachtet eine Petrischale hoch; © Adobe Stock

Competence Center Food

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Innovation and progress

With leading global trade fairs such as AGRITECHNICA and EuroTier, as well as other exhibitions in numerous countries, the DLG is an international showcase and forum for innovations and strategies in agricultural and animal farming technology and food production.

[Translate to English:] Abbildung Messehalle

Trade Fairs and Exhibitions 

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[Translate to English:] Länderflaggen

DLG Markets

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Quality and benefits

Product and process quality, user and consumer benefits are important goals. For this purpose, we test food, agricultural machinery and farm inputs on the basis of scientific methods developed by our experts.

[Translate to English:] Ein Traktor auf einem Prüfstand

DLG Test Center for Technology and Farm Inputs 

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[Translate to English:] Ein Mann und eine Frau im Labor beim Tortellinitest

DLG Test Center Food

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Knowledge and inspiration

Our trade media provide knowledge for agricultural and food industry practice. Our academy offers further training opportunities along the food and agricultural value chain.

[Translate to English:] Abbildung der Print und Onlinemedien des DLG-Verlags


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[Translate to English:] Eine Frau und ein Mann in einem Kuhstall

DLG Academy

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DLG-Newsletter - Always up to date!

 Crop production | Livestock farming | Energy | Forestry | Members

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Building networks

DLG membership | Young DLG | Female Agri Fellows | 40 under 40

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[Translate to English:] Landwirtpaar auf dem Acker

DLG committees and boards

Volunteer experts - practitioners, scientists, consultants, experts from administration and politics - work closely together in the DLG committees of the agriculture and food industry.

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International clubs

In the DLG's international clubs, we promote the exchange of experience across borders and sectors.

European Arable Farmers

European Pig Producers


[Translate to English:] Abbildung DLG-Medaille


With its awards, the DLG promotes the quality of food, operating resources and agricultural and vehicle technology. Learn more

The DLG Awards recognise innovative products, solutions and minds in the agricultural and food industry. Find out more

DLG Agriculture & Food Tests

Agriculture Awards 

Food Awards 

Join the network:  
Your most important membership

Arable farming, animal husbandry, agribusiness, training, career entry and many other topics: In the world's strongest business network for agriculture & food, what is and becomes relevant is created. As a member, you have many advantages and put important topics on the agenda.

Relevant specialist information       Free trade fair admission       100% networking