In the run-up to the EnergyDecentral trade fair in Hanover in November 2024, the DLG asked German farmers in its most recent DLG Practice
Monitor – a survey on farmers’ opinion on practical farming issues - how they assess on-farm photovoltaic power stations and agrivoltaics.
In the run-up to the EnergyDecentral trade fair in Hanover in November 2024, the DLG asked German farmers in its most recent DLG Practice Monitor – a survey on farmers’ opinion on practical farming issues - how they assess on-farm photovoltaic power stations and agrivoltaics.
The results reveal that not only are farmers open to new aproaches in this area but they also display great interest.
The energy transition is in full swing and the agricultural sector is right in the middle of it. In the current “Chart of the Month” from DLG-Agrifuture Insights, we present the innovations the industry is hoping for based on the results of the 2023/24 winter survey.
Daniel Lampart from Switzerland has been a member of the DLG for over 12 years. He has a farm and grows grain maize, rapeseed, barley and wheat. He also keeps 4800 laying hens and runs a biogas plant. His second pillar is the planning and construction of biogas plants as managing director of the company Agrigas.
Dr Alfred Schreiberhuber from Austria has been a DLG member since 1995 and farms in the Traunviertel region of the federal province of Upper Austria. The chronicles of the Schreiberhuber Farm & Forest Estate encompass the closely intertwined histories of three farms, family-owned for more than 700 years. From Plassgut, the ancestral seat, the Plassgut at Ansfelden, the Auhof Residence at Kremsmünster and the Summerauerhof at St. Florian are administered.