G.Spelsberg Abox series with accessories

DLG-APPROVED: "Resistance to ammonia"

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Test report 7458

The approval

A test mark ‘DLG-APPROVED for individual criteria’ is awarded for agricultural products which have successfully fulfilled a scope-reduced usability testing conducted by DLG according to independent and recognised evaluation criteria. The test is intended to highlight particular innovations and key criteria of the test object. The test may contain criteria from the DLG test scope for overall tests, or focus on other value-determining characteristics and properties of the test subject. The minimum requirements, test conditions and procedures as well as the evaluation bases of the test results will be specified in consultation with an expert group of DLG.

They correspond to the recognised rules of technology, as well as scientific and agricultural knowledge and requirements. The successful testing is concluded with the publication of a test report, as well as the awarding of the test mark which is valid for five years from the date of awarding. The ‘Resistance to ammonia’ test was conducted as a laboratory test according to the patented DLG test standard. The objective of this test is to determine whether barn installations can withstand the effects of stable air. Factory-new samples of all installed materials were tested. The test was based on the DLG test specification for investigating resistance to ammonia, version 07/2023. Other criteria were not tested.

Assessment in brief

The as-new test samples were tested regarding their ammonia resistance according to DLG-APPROVED test methods. The tested samples have met the requirements regarding the examined criteria.

Dlg Quality profileTest resultEvaluation* 
Single Criteria Resistance to Ammonia  
Abox series up to size 100resistant
Abox series from size 160partially resistant
Abox Pro series up to size 100partially resistant


Abox Pro series from size 160partially resistant


Abox accessories – Partition wallresistant


Abox assessories – Sealing kitresistant


Abox accessories – Insulating plugsresistant


Abox accessories – Terminal holderresistant


Abox accessories – Terminal blockresistant


Abox accessories – Mounting plateresistant


Abox accessories – Double-membrane sealsresistant


Abox accessories – Attachment bushesresistant


Abox accessories – Cable glandresistant


*    The DLG test framework provides the following options in its evaluation schemes:    
■■■  or better = meets, exceeds or clearly exceeds the specified DLG standard
■■,  = meets the legal requirements for marketability,
 = failed

The product

Description and specifications

The samples tested here are components of the junction box from the Abox series. The box is also installed in animal houses, and can thus be exposed to elevated levels of ammonia in the housing environment.

Table 2: Technical characteristics (according to manufacturer)

Description and specifications

The samples tested here are components of the junction box from the Abox series. The box is also installed in animal houses, and can thus be exposed to elevated levels of ammonia in the housing environment.

Table 2: Technical characteristics (according to manufacturer)

Junction box Abox seriesAbox seriesAbox Pro series
Rated voltage1000 V AC
1000 V DC
1000 V AC
1000 V DC
Length87 – 252 mm92 – 252 mm
Width87 – 252 mm92 – 252 mm
Height52 – 120 mm60 – 120 mm
Accessories Dimensions
TWPartition wall23 mm x 72 mm x 43,5 mm
PSTSealing Kit15 mm x 15 mm x 15 mm
Abox 100 KH 2006 6²Terminal holder TOPJOB69 mm x 124 mm x 60 mm
Abox 160 KH 2010 10²Terminal holder TOPJOB79 mm x 154 mm x 65 mm
Abox 250 KH 2016 16²Terminal holder TOPJOB77 mm x 219 mm x 77 mm
Abox 025/040 KH 2273 2,5²Terminal holder Wago23 mm x 70 mm x 27 mm
Abox 025/040 KH 221 4²Terminal holder Wago23 mm x 56 mm x 29 mm
Abox 100 KH 221 4²Terminal holder Wago22 mm x 88 mm x 32 mm
Abox 100 KH 221 6²Terminal holder Wago26 mm x 114 mm x 32 mm
KLS-2,5²/4²Terminal block46,6 mm x 17,8 mm x 31,5 mm
MPIMounting plate94 mm x 94 mm x 2,5 mm up to 217 mm x 217 mm x 2,5 mm
DMSDouble-membrane seals 
ASTAttachement bushes 
KVRCable gland 
 Insulating plugs Abox Pro 
 Insulating plugs Abox 

The enclosures of the Abox series up to size 100 are manufactured from polypropylene (PP); those of the Pro series up to size 100 are manufactured from polycarbonate (PC). As of size 160, both enclosure series are manufactured from glass fibre-reinforced PC. 

The method

Resistance to ammonia

The ammonia resistance of the materials was determined by a laboratory testing according to the DLG test standard for agricultural use. With the DLG laboratory test for NH3 resistance, it is possible to determine the ability of the test sample to withstand the effects of animal house air over a usage period of about 10 years.

The test was carried out in a gassing chamber under the following climate conditions:

Duration of the test

1500 h

Air temperature

70 °C

Relative humidity

70 %

Ammonia concentration

750 ppm

For assessing the NH3 resistance, the test samples were examined visually, gravimetrically and through a measurement of the material thickness before and after the climate testing. The measurement of shore hardness only yielded relevant and tangible results for the accessory parts. The materials were tested on the basis of at least two samples.

Detailed account of the test results

Ammonia resistance

Neither the empty enclosures of the Abox series up to size 100 nor the tested accessories revealed any anomalies during the test. The enclosures’ different colours did not limit their functionality during the test.

The tested empty enclosures of the Abox Pro series and the Abox series as of size 160 did not initially reveal any visual anomalies either. On installation and removal of the cover, however, moderate embrittlement of the material was ascertained. This embrittlement was largely confirmed by measuring the hardness. As the basic functionality was not limited, these test samples can be classified as partially resistant to ammonia. Despite this, moving the threaded connections of the cover in this series with corresponding care is recommended.

Since the deviations do not affect the functionality of the component and significantly lower ammonia con­centrations often occur in practice, the entire empty enclosure can nevertheless be assessed as essentially suitable. All other deviations in the measured parameters lay within the measurement uncertainty or the assessment limits. It is therefore to be assumed that the materials can essentially withstand an NH3-laden atmosphere such as that encountered in the exhaust air of pig houses.

The results for the enclosures, accessories and colours are shown in Tables 3 to 5.

Table 3: Impact of NH3 on the enclosures

Component Visual assessmentWeightShore hardnessEvaluation
AboxBox (size 025 to 100), grey cover with sealno change< 1.0 %< 3.0 %resistant
AboxBox (size 160 to 350), grey cover with sealEmbrittlement< 1.0 %< 3.0 %partially resistant
Abox ProBox (size 025 to 100), grey cover with sealEmbrittlement< 1.0 %< 5.0 %partially resistant
Abox ProBox (size 160 to 350), grey cover with sealEmbrittlement< 1.0 %< 5.0 %partially resistant
Abox series empty enclosures    resistant

Table 4: Impact of NH3 on the accessories

Partition wallAboxno change< 1.0 %not testedresistant
Sealing KitAboxno change< 6.0 %not testedresistant
Insulating plugsAboxno change< 1.0 %not testedresistant
Insulating plugsAbox Prono change< 1.0 %not testedresistant
Terminal holder TOPJOBAboxno change< 1.0 %not testedresistant
Terminal holder TOPJOBAbox Prono change< 1.0 %not testedresistant
Terminal holder ELSAboxno change< 1.0 %not testedresistant
Terminal holder ELSAbox Prono change< 1.0 %not testedresistant
Terminal holder WAGO 1Aboxno change< 1.0 %not testedresistant
Terminal holder WAGO 1Abox Prono change< 1.0 %not testedresistant
Terminal holder WAGO 2Aboxno change< 1.0 %not testedresistant
Terminal holder WAGO 2Abox Prono change< 1.0 %not testedresistant
Terminal blockAboxno change< 1.0 %not testedresistant
Terminal blockAbox Prono change< 1.0 %not testedresistant
Mounting plateAboxno change< 1.0 %< 1.0 %resistant
Mounting plateAbox Prono change< 1.0 %< 1.0 %resistant
Double-membrane sealsAbox Prono change< 1.0 %not testedresistant
Attachment bushesAboxno change< 3.0 %not testedresistant
Attachment bushesAbox Prono change< 3.0 %not testedresistant
Cable glandAboxno change< 3.0 %not testedresistant
Cable glandAbox Prono change< 3.0 %not testedresistant
Accessories of the Abox series    resistant

Table 5: Impact of NH3 on the sample colors

Colors Visual assessmentWeightShore hardnessEvaluation
Black, whiteAbox ProEmbrittlement< 1.0 %< 5.0 %partially resistant
Cover redAbox ProEmbrittlement< 1.0 %< 3.0 %partially resistant
Black, whiteAboxno change< 1.0 %< 3.0 %resistant
Cover redAboxno change< 1.0 %< 3.0 %resistant
Colors of the Abox series    resistant


The results of the test show that the Abox series with all accessories meets the DLG requirmement for ammonia resistant for receiving the DLG APPROVED quality mark. As a result of this, it can be assumed that the tested series is to be classified as resistant to ammonia-laden barn air. The moderate embrittlement of those empty enclosures that are manufactured from polycarbonate does not limit the basic functionality.

Manufacturer and applicant

Manufacturer and applicant

Günther Spelsberg GmbH & Co. KG
Im Gewerbepark 1
D-58579 Schalksmühle

Telephone+49 (0)2355 892-0
Telefax +49 (0)2355 892-299

Test implementation

DLG TestService GmbH, Gross-Umstadt location
The tests are conducted on behalf of DLG e.V.

Farm Inputs

Division head
Dr. Michael Eise

DLG test scope
“Resistance of stable components to ammonia” (status 07/2023)

Test engineer
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Tommy Pfeifer *

*    Author

Contact us

DLG TestService GmbH - Groß-Umstadt location • Max-Eyth-Weg 1 • 64823 Groß-Umstadt • Tel: +49 69 24 788-600 • tech@DLG.org