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Oilseeds: China's livestock farming pushes imports
Knowledge Skills
Driving Innovation and Sustainability in Agri-food Technologies is a global challenge
Vegetable losses: How can more food be saved?
Knowledge & Skills
Marketing: basil and fish on the supermarket roof
Inhouse Farming
Anuga FoodTec
The tested cow Mattress fulfilled the requirements of the DLG test framework and DIN 3763 with regard to the tested criteria.
The tested floor covering met the requirements of the DLG test programme and DIN 7861 in the criteria examined.
Continental NightViu LED work lights turn night into day
Survey & Tests
Well mixed: Slurry from cattle and pigs
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DLG Memberservice
Charles Nicklin: DLG has become the benchmark for testing of agricultural machinery
People & Opinions
Adrian Feitknecht: Animal welfare is more than just straw bedding
Daniel Lampart: "Harvesting gives me pleasure"
The Swiss have a high awareness of environmental protection and animal welfare
Martin Sedlacek: "More organic farming in less productive areas"
Edvinas Samkus: "Our clients are interested in the newest agrotechnology."
Aku Kuusela: “Nutrient content and feed hygiene are the most important factors for hay quality”
Jan Merks: "Animal welfare regulations are necessary to meet the needs of society"