Dr. Frank Volz

  • Dr. Frank Volz
    Dr. Frank Volz

    Press officer agricultural technology and professional events

  • F.Volz@DLG.org
  • +49 69 24788-224

  • DLG Test Center Technology and Farm Inputs
    DLG TestService GmbH Groß-Umstadt Site
    Max-Eyth-Weg 1
    D-64823 Groß-Umstadt

DLG PracticeMonitor on EnergyDecentral

Agri-PV meets open-mindedness
Practical check: Front loader remains No. 1

Storing, retrieving, stacking, loading, unloading and transporting: although many people equate the term 'agriculture' with animal production and arable farming, the agricultural industry is a prime example of a cargo handling industry in many regards.
