Mineral feed for cattle, mineral feed for pigs, milk replacers for dairy calves

Josera Polska

DLG-QUALITY MARK: Supplementary “Product and Process” test

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Test report 6879

The approval

The DLG quality mark for farm inputs and consumables is awarded to products that have passed a comprehensive test which verifies their value-determining features and properties as declared by the manufacturer. The criteria tested and the requirements to be met by the product are defined by independent test commissions, taking into account statutory requirements, the purpose of the product, its declared properties and user requirements. The test procedures and product requirements are developed by the relevant DLG e.V. department and the relevant commission. The procedures and requirements are in line with governing law and the state of the art in technology and science. After a product has passed the test, it is awarded the DLG quality mark and all products which have received the quality mark are published.

 Josera company building

Test results

Type of feed and criteriaRequirementmet
Mineral feed for pigs  
Bulk elementsbetter than the regular type
Trace elementsbetter than the regular type
Vitaminsbetter than the regular type
Amino acids (if applicable)better than the regular type
Feeding directionsclear and easy to understand
Declarationcomplies with the tolerances specified by animal feed regulations
Mineral feed for cattle  
Bulk elementsbetter than the regular type
Trace elementsbetter than the regular type
Vitaminsbetter than the regular type
Feeding directionsclear and easy to understand
Declarationcomplies with the tolerances specified by animal feed regulations
Supplementary “Product and Process” testRequirementmet
Factory auditcomplies with DLG codex on compound feeds
Composition of the feedcomplies with the declared composition
Inhibition assaynegative

Contact us

DLG TestService GmbH - Groß-Umstadt location • Max-Eyth-Weg 1 • 64823 Groß-Umstadt • Tel: +49 69 24 788-600 • tech@DLG.org