Swisspearl Group Swisspearl corrugated sheets W177-5,5 RC and W177-6,5 RC


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Test report 7407

The approval

The DLG APPROVED FULL TEST quality mark is awarded to agricultural equipment that has passed a comprehensive DLG usability test. A DLG usability test is carried out to independent and recognised test criteria and provides an objective and unbiased assessment of the product and all features con­sidered essential by users. The test comprises individual lab tests as well as field tests in various conditions; in addition to that the product has to prove itself in on-farm applications. The test conditions and procedures are defined by an independent test commission and described in a test framework which defines the para­meters for evaluation. Yet the test conditions and procedures as defined are revised on an ongoing basis so they reflect what is acknowledged as the current state of the art as well as the latest scientific findings and also agricultural insights and requirements. After a product has passed the test, a test report is produced and published and the quality mark is awarded to the product and will retain its validity for five years from the date of award.

Swisspearl Group Swisspearl corrugated sheets

Test results

The evaluation of the individual test criteria can be found in Table 1.

Table 1: Assessment of the tested DLG criteria

Test Criterion Evaluation*                          
for roofing of all types of residential and commercial buildings with sloping roofs from 7° roof pitch
Installation instructions, cover direction, execution, fittings and accessories

Handling during laying
Manageability, walkability

Use in cold barn
Planning information, condensation accumulation
Shape and dimensional stability, water impermeability, frost resistance, 
bending moment at fracture, breaking load, fire behavior
Operating safety
Durability, maintenance, long-term behavior
Labeling, warranty, insurance

* Evaluation range: requirements fulfilled ()   requirements not fulfilled (X)

You can download the complete DLG test report in German at the following internet address:

Manufacturer and contact information

Manufacturer and Applicant

Swisspearl Group AG,
Eternitstrasse 3,
8867 Niederurnen,

Phone +41 55 617-1111,
Fax +41 55 617-1271,, 

Contact us

DLG TestService GmbH - Groß-Umstadt location • Max-Eyth-Weg 1 • 64823 Groß-Umstadt • Tel: +49 69 24 788-600 •