Latexco Solutions Cow Mattress Ecolatex D 240 with topcover Solmax

Deformability/elasticity, permanent tread load

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Test report 7375

The approval

A test mark „DLG-APPROVED for individual criteria“ is awarded for agricultural products which have success­fully fulfilled a scope-reduced usability testing conducted by DLG according to independent and recognised evaluation criteria. The test is intended to highlight particular innovations and key criteria of the test object. The test may contain criteria from the DLG test scope for overall tests, or focus on other value-determining characteristics and properties of the test subject. The minimum requirements, test conditions and procedures as well as the evaluation bases of the test results will be specified in consultation with an expert group of DLG. They corres­pond to the recognised rules of technology, as well as scientific and agricultural knowledge and requirements. The successful testing is concluded with the publication of a test report,
as well as the awarding of the test mark which is valid for five years from the date of awarding. The test was based on the DLG Testing Framework for elastic stable flooring, as of December 2018 and DIN 3763:2022-08 (Elastic floorings for cattle and dairy cows walking and rest surfaces – Requirements and testing). Other criteria were not tested.

Latexco Solutions Cow Mattress Ecolatex D 240 with topcover Solmax

Beurteilung – kurz gefasst

Die hier geprüfte Kuhmatratze Ecolatex D 240 mit Solmax Deckbelag, ein elastischer Bodenbelag im Liege­bereich für Hochboxen in Liege­boxenställen, wurde im DLG-Anerkannt Einzelkriterien Test auf Prüfständen auf Haltbarkeits- und Komfort­eigen­schaften untersucht. Im Einzelnen wurden die Beständigkeit gegen Dauertrittbelastung sowie die Verformbarkeit und Elastizität geprüft.

Anforderungen DIN 3763 werden erfüllt. Verformbarkeit und Elastizität Klasse 4 nach DIN 3763.

Test results

DLG quality profileEvaluation*
Deformability and elasticity in new condition


Deformability and elasticity following endurance test


Lasting deformation following endurance test


Top cover no noticeable wear following endurance test


Latex foam no noticeable wear after endurance test


*    DLG Evaluation range: ■■■  or better = meets, exceeds or significantly exceeds the established DLG standards, ■■  = meets the legal requirements for marketability,  = failed


Manufacturer and applicant

Latexco Solutions
Burgemeester A. Guilbertlaan 16
8700 Tielt

Phone+32 (0)51 426954
Telefax +32 (0)51 409366

Contact us

DLG TestService GmbH - Groß-Umstadt location • Max-Eyth-Weg 1 • 64823 Groß-Umstadt • Tel: +49 69 24 788-600 •