All topics
Small-scale farmers need access to innovative technology
DLG expert panel: "Bioeconomy and Innovation" at the GFFA
Nostradamus project
This project aims to foster food security, enhance sustainability, and drive digital transformation in the agricultural sector.
Trendreport digitisation
Trends in Digital Solutions for Herd Management, Quality Assurance and Smart Farming
Feeding: What are the alternatives to soya?
Knowledge & Skills
Inhouse Farming Convention
Anuga FoodTec
DLG test programme and DIN 3763 are fulfilled for the tested criteria. Deformability and elasticity correspond to DIN 3763 class 2 for single-surface pens for calves.
The tested Cow-Welfare cow mattress Latex Soft CHY has fulfilled the requirements of the test framework and DIN 3763 with regard to the tested criteria.
Continental NightViu LED work lights turn night into day
Survey & Tests
Well mixed: Slurry from cattle and pigs
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Managing Director DLG Competence Center Food
Assistant to the department manager
Head of Department DLG Competence Center Food
Project Manager Food Technology
Project Manager
Young DLG Food & Start-ups
Projekt assistance events
Project management for food industry seminars
Project Assistance for food industry seminars