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German pig producers rely on higher nutrient efficiency

German pig producers rely on higher nutrient efficiency

The requirements of fertilizer regulations in Germany require adjustments in nutrient management of pig producers – focus on determining the ingredients and targeted, near-ground application – investments in view – current "Graphic of the Month" from DLG-Agrifuture Insights

The requirements of fertilizer regulations in Germany require adjustments in nutrient management of pig producers. This includes, in particular, spreading the manure close to the ground to avoid loss of nutrients. The current graphic of the month from Agrifuture Insigts shows that German pig farmers are primarily asking for practical solutions and attach great importance to technical solutions for greater efficiency in the utilization of manure.

As the results show, 70% of the pig farmers surveyed in Germany rely on (better) determining the nutrients in the manure and spreading fertilizers in a more targeted manner.

40% of survey participants are planning to invest in new technology. On the other hand, 20% and 22% respectively have to build new or lease a slurry storage facility.

Around a third of those surveyed put the focus on cooperation with arable farmers. Thereby the collaborations could range from a mere manure take-off cooperation up to joint land management of both farms.

18% of the pig farmers surveyed are considering a reduction in the stock of up to 10% of the previous stock. And nevertheless 12% of the farmers surveyed think of quitting their pig production due to the stricter requirements.

DLG-Agrifuture Insights – a comprehensive view on agricultural development

DLG-Agrifuture Insights, which was launched to replace and extend the scope of the DLG’s Trendmonitor Europe surveys late last year, has been introduced to supply insights into the developments taking place in the world’s most important agricultural regions at a time when the international agricultural sector is changing rapidly, and technologies, markets and market relations, structures and processes are all in a state of transition.

The focus of DLG-Agrifuture Insights is on animal husbandry and crop production, machinery and equipment, management, business climate and willingness to invest, identifying the top five investment areas and prevailing policies. It helps identify current trends and to assess business climate and expectations. This helps support agribusiness companies in developing strategies in international markets, and gives entrepreneurial farmers important stimuli for developing their businesses.

The DLG-Agrifuture Insights findings are reached by questioning a global panel made up of 2,000 future-oriented farmers in 13 countries – Brazil, China, France, Germany, Great Britain, Iran, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Thailand, USA and Zambia. Surveys are conducted every February/March in the southern hemisphere and every August/September in the northern hemisphere, with the findings supplemented by continuous background research and regular interviews with top decision-makers.