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Resilience of the European Pig Industry

Traditionally the EPP Congress is a unique opportunity for the European pig sector to share experiences and knowledge about one of the most important industries in the European agricultural sector. During the gathering 2023 in Seville a wide range of issues that are critical to the future of the pig industry were discussed.

As pig producers, we are the backbone of the meat industry, providing a vital source of protein to millions of people across Europe and the world.

During the EPP Congress 2023 in Seville, we discussed a wide range of issues that are critical to the future of our industry. We focused on topics such as sustainability, animal welfare, disease prevention, and technological innovation.

Through these discussions, we gain a deeper understanding of the challenges facing our industry in our different countries.

One of the key issues that we discussed, throughout all what we are doing is sustainability. As pig producers, we have a responsibility to ensure that our practices are environmentally sustainable and socially responsible. We must strive to reduce our carbon footprint, minimize waste, and use resources efficiently. At the same time, we must also ensure that our farms are safe and healthy places to work, and that our animals are treated with respect and dignity at all times.

Resilience of the European Pig Industry

The theme of this year's EPP Congress was "Resilience of the European Pig Industry." Resilience is the ability to withstand and recover from adversity. It is a characteristic that is particularly important in the pig industry, where we face many challenges, such as disease outbreaks, market fluctuations and regulatory changes.

Resilience is not just about bouncing back from setbacks, it is also about being proactive and adaptable. As pig producers, we must be able to anticipate and respond to changes in the market, consumer preferences and technological advances. We must be willing to try new approaches and experiment with new technologies, while also recognizing the importance of traditional farming methods and the knowledge passed down from previous generations.

But resilience is not just the responsibility of individual farmers, it is also a collective effort. We must work together as an industry to address the challenges that we face and to develop solutions that benefits us all.

We should take the opportunity to collaborate, to share our successes and failures, and to learn from each other.

I am confident that through our discussions and collaborations in the pig value chain, we will emerge with a greater understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing our industry. Let's work together to be a resilient sector!


Gert van Beek
Pig Farmer in the Netherlands and Germany
President of the European Pig Producers (EPP) e.V.