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30th anniversary of the European Arabable Farmer (EAF)

To live the European Idea bottom-up in my business – that´s the motto of EAF, the Club of European Arable Farmers since Agritechnica 1991. Those days arable farmers from six European countries met in Frankfurt to discuss the situation of crop farming in their countries, today and in the future. They felt that conditions of crop production varied tremendously between European regions and that frame conditions will become more and more difficult. Professional arable farmers those days had to reduce production costs on all levels, they had to consider market requirements when deciding on rotation, crop, and variety, and they had to improve the quality of their products and produce in accordance with ecological requirements. As there was a unanimous desire to continue the exchange of experience and information on a regular basis, the professional farmers decided to go ahead with the foundation of the EAF.

It is the common goal of professional European farmers to maintain their competitiveness by continuously improving the productions process as well as their business organization, and by applying technical progress. At the same time a new entrepreneurial attitude is required, to become more flexible and take decisions within short time limits.

For nearly 30 years now EAF members and friends join the annual meetings which are held every time in another European country. For three days participants learn a lot about the specific situation of arable farming in the country they visit. And they talk about conditions and solutions at home, so the farmers they visit also are inspired to review their solutions.

Knowing each other and first-hand-knowing the specific conditions of arable farming in the European countries is a firm footing for a European integration. And it is also a personal enrichment by friendships which often last for one generation now. Two years of pandemic have strongly pulled the handbrake, there was no chance to celebrate the 30th anniversary, but now we hope for a physical meeting this year!