Anuga FoodTec 2024: Some highlights of the congress and event programme
Innovative events invite active professional exchange - From 19 to 22 March 2024 in Cologne, Germany
At a time when sustainable innovations are called for more urgently than ever before, Anuga FoodTec 2024 is pursuing the goal of setting new standards. Under the main theme of "Responsibility", the world's leading trade fair for suppliers of the food and beverage industries will become the global meeting point for visionaries, doers, innovators and industry leaders. Together they are setting the course for a more sustainable future. Matthias Schlüter, Director of Anuga FoodTec: "This dedication is reflected in the extensive event programme, in which the participants can acquire insights into the latest technologies, science, innovative solutions and future-oriented strategies." Through the introduction of new exhibition areas like environmental engineering and energy, the reach of the trade fair across sectors will be further extended, whereby the focus remains particularly on the main theme of "Responsibility".
The trade programme designed by the DLG (German Agricultural Society) adopts the theme with fresh and dynamic approaches. "Through participatory formats like 'Bar Camp' or 'Open Expert Stage', these multi-faceted events invite to a dialogue across industries and offer extensive possibilities for interaction", says Simone Schiller, managing director of the DLG.
The participants can enter into an active exchange and profit directly from the extensive knowledge of the experts, according to Schlüter.
You can find the complete event programme of Anuga FoodTec here.
The following event formats are new and invite participants to actively help shape them:
- Science Slam
- Deep Dives
- Content Pro vs. Contra
- Bar Camp
- Open Expert Stage
More exciting formats:
- Start-up Pitches
- Female Leadership Event
- International FoodTec Award 2024
- Careers Day
- Guided Tours
"With the Careers Day, we want to counter the lack of skilled employees and directly network the companies with young talents. New paths and career possibilities are pointed out to them in this way, and we hope to thus be able to arouse enthusiasm for the industry”, says Schlüter.
In short, Anuga FoodTec 2024 promises a comprehensive experience with deep insights into the production of food and beverages today and in the future.
But what event highlights function as hotbeds for the future production of food and beverages?
Here are a few highlights of the individual thematic areas:
Tuesday, 19.03.2024, 11:25 a.m.-12:10 p.m.
Meat alternatives and plant-based drinks – a look at the composition
The consumption of meat alternatives and plant-based drinks is continually increasing in Germany and worldwide. The food industry is reacting to this growing demand with a broad portfolio of various plant-based products, which have in the meantime become fixed elements in the assortments of supermarkets. However, there has to date been only little comprehensive data concerning the precise composition of the nutrients and limited information about residues and contaminants in the products available on the German market.
In a 2-year study of the Max Rubner-Institut (MRI), the plant-based drinks most frequently consumed in Germany (oat, almond and soy drinks) were examined more closely and the following questions were addressed in particular:
What does the composition of the drinks look like with regard to macronutrients, vitamins, mineral substances, trace elements and select secondary plant compounds?
What residues of pesticides or mould fungus toxins might be found in plant-based drinks?
The results of the study will be presented in a summarised form and provide knowledge about the nutritional and safety-relevant aspects of these popular plant-based drinks.
Another contribution will deal with meat and sausage substitute products. Results on this subject are provided by the product monitoring of the MRI, in the context of which the energy and nutrient composition of various product groups is considered. The focus is on selected results concerning the current energy and nutrient composition of product sub-groups of meat and sausage alternatives sold in large numbers and changes to these over the course of time.
Wednesday, 20.03.2024, 3:25-4:10 p.m.
Deep Dive: Sustainable plant-based protein and fermentation solutions
The trend is once again toward fermentation. An ever-increasing number of consumers are interested in sustainable food products and thus also in this traditional manufacturing procedure. Fermentation can qualitatively improve plant-based sources of protein, ensure better digestibility and make balanced nutrition possible. There are a variety of technical options for introducing the process. Find out during the lectures how enzymes and microorganisms can be used for the fermentation of plant-based foods.
Thursday, 21.03.2024, 11:40 a.m.-12:25 p.m.
Content Pro-Contra: Insects as novel food
Insects as nutrients? Many consumers cannot imagine that (yet). Nonetheless, insects have very recently been approved as novel food and are on the advance. This is because insects are a sustainable alternative for other animal products and are, from a nutritional perspective, a good alternative to conventional sources of protein. Nonetheless, acceptance of insects is low, and there are challenges facing cultivation on a large scale. Is there a long-term perspective for insects finding a place on our menu? In technological terms, what speaks in favour of and against insects as an ingredient for food production? Get right up to date.
Tuesday, 19.03.2024, 1:20-2:20 p.m.
Science Slam: Digitalisation, robotics and automation
Digitalisation, robotics, automation – these three themes are closely intertwined and play an increasingly important role in the food industry. However, what is the current status quo in the food industry, and what challenges are currently being addressed? What promising ideas and concepts are there for the networked, efficient and automated production of food? How can production be designed in future? Let yourself be inspired by current research themes from science.
Friday, 22.03.2024, 10:00-10:45 a.m.
Panel discussion: artificial intelligence
Everybody is talking about AI right now, and it is seen as the number one problem solver. However, as a result of the very rapid development of artificial intelligence, the question is posed of what security looks like and where the use of self-learning systems pays?
Clear is that AI offers great potential for the supplier, food and beverage industries. The application possibilities are enormous. What effects does it have on quality assurance, product development and production control, etc.? What influence does it already have today in the food industry? And is AI an answer to the shortage of skilled employees and resource scarcity? Discuss the dangers and chances of this future technology together with experts. And critically test what added value AI provides for the food industry.
Thursday, 21.03.2024, 1:20-2:20 p.m.
Science Slam: Sustainable packaging
Find out in compelling short lectures how experts present innovative ideas and pioneering research findings to sustainably design the future of the packaging industry. What contribution can the latest technologies and biodegradable materials make to more environmentally-friendly and resource-preserving packaging? Knowledge, creativity and sustainability will enrich the packaging world of tomorrow – be part of it!
Thursday, 21.03.2024, 3:25-4:10 p.m.
Deep Dive: Proposal for an EU regulation for packaging and packaging waste
The EU Commission hopes to limit unnecessary packaging, promote reusable solutions and establish a closed recycling cycle for all packaging on the EU market by 2030. Find out everything about the proposal for a possible EU regulation for packaging and packaging waste: how could the suggested legislation reduce packaging waste and promote the use of recyclables?
Attend the Deep Dive and discover the future of the packaging industry in Europe. Inform yourself now about how this EU regulation can create a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly packaging landscape.
Tuesday, 19.03.2024, 1:30-2:30 p.m. and Thursday, 21.03.2024, 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Tour 2: Energy and water management
Acquire insights into sustainable practices in the energy and water management segments
What challenges are ahead and what innovative solutions will shape the future? In our tour with the theme "Energy and water management", you will find out more about innovative technologies, proven methods and the role of industry for the responsible management of energy and water.
Companies that are leading in matters of sustainable energy and water management shed light on innovative projects and technologies that are clearing the path toward an environmentally-friendly energy future. Dive with us into the world of water management and have a look here too at innovative technologies that contribute to more efficient use of water.
The one-hour guided tours of the fair offer you the exclusive opportunity to impress a group of max. 20 people with your solutions on the guiding theme of "Responsibility" in approx. 10-minute lectures. Tours in the fields of "Sustainable Packaging", "Energy and Water Management" and "Digitalisation, Robotics and Automation" will be offered. Called for are smart solutions for flexible, efficient and at the same time environmentally-friendly food and beverage production.
Meeting point
The tour begins at the DLG stand: hall 5.2, stand D-040. Please arrive early. At least 5 minutes prior to the start of the tour.
approx. 1 hour
Registration is required. The number of participants is limited to 20 - first come, first serve. Here is the registration link:
Thursday, 21.03.2024, 4:20-5:05 p.m.
Energy and water management
Nearly every process step in the food and beverage industries requires energy and water. Due to global crises and climate change, however, both of these ostensibly unlimited resources will become increasingly scarcer. The result is higher prices for food. However, the consequences can also disrupt food security and smooth and efficient processes in production. Which measures in the food and beverage industries are effective in preserving these resources and lowering costs over the long term? Ask your burning questions about potential for saving energy and water. Allow yourself to be inspired in the panel discussion as to the tricks that can make sustainable energy and water management possible even now.
Friday, 22.03.2024, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Deep Dive: Energy and water management
Energy and water management in the food industry are the decisive factors for the future. Increasing costs for energy and water burden companies and their customers greatly. How can we reduce the consumption of both work materials? With what innovative technologies can the most possible food be produced with minimal energy and water expenditure? What potential approaches already exist?
In the scientific tournament, exciting research topics in the field of energy and water management will be presented by way of short lectures.
Wednesday, 20.03.2024, 11:40 a.m.-12:25 p.m.
Open Expert Stage: Procurement in the global supply chain
The procurement of raw materials in global supply chains may be flexible, but is anything but clearly structured. The acquisition and quality of information, which is of great importance to consumers, suffers under this. The Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (LkSG), which came into effect in Germany in 2023, now promotes comprehensive transparency. The goal is the guaranteeing of human rights and environmental standards along the value creation chain. This places the industry under pressure to act. It can be presumed that the obligations will cascade into the value creation chain. This thus impacts nearly all companies either directly or indirectly as suppliers. Inform yourself about food and raw material security as well as existing management systems that make the transparent supply chain wished for by consumers reality.
Thursday, 21.03.2024, 2:30-3:15 p.m.
Open Expert Stage: Fresh logistics
Innovations and solutions are required for the efficient and sustainable delivery of fresh food. In the discussion group, experts and those in the know in the industry will share their findings on the theme of "Fresh Logistics" concerning current challenges and effective approaches to solutions: how can modern technologies, intelligent supply chains and innovative packaging solutions contribute to ensuring the quality and freshness of products and at the same time minimise food loss? Take part in the exchange and contribute your knowledge of how fresh products can reach their destination faster, more efficiently and in a more environmentally-friendly fashion.
Tuesday, 19.03.2024, 10:35-11:20 a.m.
Uniting sustainability and productivity: Insights from the Fraunhofer initiatives for the food industry
The global food industry is facing unprecedented challenges caused by climate change, disappearing resources, volatile supply chains and rising food prices. These pressing problems require joint efforts toward sustainability and responsible practices. As a reaction to this, 12 Fraunhofer Institutes are carrying out pioneering research along the entire value creation chain of the food industry. Their joint efforts encompass pioneering solutions in the fields of agriculture, product preservation, analytics, logistics and sustainable technologies.
Through the bundling of the collective specialist knowledge of 12 institutes within the Fraunhofer Agriculture and Food Industry Alliance, which is part of the greater Fraunhofer network of 76 institutes, this alliance offers a unique scientific infrastructure and interdisciplinary knowledge. It enables participants in the food industry to design a path toward a sustainable and responsible future for food.
The speakers will provide insights through examples into projects and efforts aimed at achieving high productivity in a digitalised world while simultaneously preserving an equilibrium with other objectives, such as sustainability, resource efficiency and productivity, or how sustainable production and processing of agricultural products can be enabled, thereby preserving their biogenic value.
Thursday, 21.03.2024, 11:25 a.m.-12:10 p.m.
Die Kraft eines Ökosystems: Wie die Lebensmittelindustrie durch Zusammenarbeit umgestaltet und innoviert werden kann / Power of an ecosystem: How to collaboratively transform and innovate the food industry
What can large companies learn from new startups?
How can innovative startups acquire access to the market through cooperation with industry partners?
And why does precisely such cooperation bear such great potential to bring more sustainability to the food industry?
In this session, Melissa Ott (Managing Director) and Thomas Glaser (Programme Manager THE MISSION Food) from Futury will provide answers to these questions together with guests.
In doing so, they will make use of five years of experience setting up a large number of startup-industrial company cooperations in the context of their THE MISSION programme.
With the sustainability initiative THE MISSION, Futury brings together industry partners along the entire value creation chain with young startups to bring innovative and sustainable solutions to the market. THE MISSION was already brought to life in 2019 together with the Handelsblatt, the Schwarz Group and Bain & Company, and thereby focuses on three theme-related ecosystems: construction, waste and food.
Anuga FoodTec is the leading international supplier fair for the food and beverage industries. Organised by Koelnmesse, the trade fair takes place from 19 to 22 March 2024 in Cologne and places the emphasis on the key theme of Responsibility. The professional and industry sponsor is the DLG, the German Agricultural Society.
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